Tuesday, April 1, 2014

E4: Scifi Novel

Answer each set of questions with a full paragraph. Each question set is due by the end of class; if you were gone and making up a set, turn it in asap.

  • What are the five most important rules of the society you live in? Fully explain with examples.
  • What are the five most important rules of the book you are reading? Fully explain with examples
  • What does it mean to be human? Explain with examples.
  • How does the government in your book change what it means to be human? Explain with examples.
  • What technologies from your book are similar to common technologies today? Fully explain with examples
  • How is technology changing what it means to be human? Fully explain with examples
  • What is the best thing about the novel you are reading (character, plot, science, trippiness)? Fully explain with examples
  • What is the worst thing about the novel you are reading? Fully explain with examples
  • What idea or lesson does the author want you to take away from your book? Fully explain with examples.

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